Contact Us

We're happy to answer questions. You can call at 612-453-6367. Please leave a voice message as I am frequently in my studio and will return the call as soon as I am able.

You can also fill out the form below if you need assistance. *Please fill out the comment/question box so I can address your question.

You can also call to come see us in person.


How to Order

Free shipping on all orders in the US. We ship fast using Priority mail.

We accept credit cards by cart, by phone and in person. You can shop with the secure cart or you can call in to place your order. You can also call ahead to visit and shop in person.

If paying with a personal check or postal money order, you can call or email me and I will reserve the piece and place the item on hold while you mail the payment. (Please allow up 3 to 10 days for checks to clear.)